Product reviews with an influencer or ordinary person (Micro) 1000 THB/person/time
- Reviews of products before – after
Product reviews with Pretty 1500 – 3000 THB/ person/time
- Review with photo 5-6 images per 1 set 1500 THB
- Review with video (3 minutes per 1 product) + (5-6 images per 1 set) 3000 THB
Product reviews with Celeb beauty and KOL. Price based on reputation
- Meeting (Internal/External)
- Preparing and briefings with Celeb or KOL
- Phot shooting and videos according to REF (duration depends on the queue received from Celeb beauty / KOL)
- 2 times video editing
- Submit files JPG / RAW / VDO
Terms of service
- Customers will receive 6-8 photos from the model per 1 model
- Customers can edit the photo shoot only 1 time
- 1 product review clip has a duration not more than 2 minutes
- All types of photography the customer will receive 5 pictures already added to the picture. The customer will choose the preferred image
*Terms and conditions as specified by the company.